今天我把ipad mini砸了
因为不想让小存无节制的玩游戏,我气冲冲的把我自己的ipad mini砸了。这是继上次砸了我的任天堂switch后砸的第二台“游戏机”了。我并不后悔。
Having a child is like having cancer: you have no way to turn it back, you have to re-plan the rest of your life and, you have to accept it eventually.
因为不想让小存无节制的玩游戏,我气冲冲的把我自己的ipad mini砸了。这是继上次砸了我的任天堂switch后砸的第二台“游戏机”了。我并不后悔。
Having a child is like having cancer: you have no way to turn it back, you have to re-plan the rest of your life and, you have to accept it eventually.