
Using Virtual And Augmented Reality In Medical Diagnosis, Treatment And Therapy

  • Defy geographic boundaries. The tools can reduce geographic limitations, so we can communicate/meet without boundaries. Individuals could virtually gather to meet, learn, and discuss health issues from anywhere in the world.
  • Foster a stronger emotional connection. Instead of telling a story through traditional text and imagery, imagine if your audience could be completely immersed in the story itself. This immersion could increase the emotional connection between the story and the audience member. 
  • Distraction-free, immersive experiences. Individuals are bombarded with a lot of information each day. Instead of competing for your audience’s attention, communicating with them through VR could lead to distraction-free interactions. 
  • Improve the way we communicate about health. AR and VR could create new applications that would change how we approach health. Whether it’s a new VR tool that’s helping seniors unlock memories to tools that could help treat substance use, AR and VR technology have the potential to change the healthcare experience.

Liran O, Dasher R, Kaeochinda K. Using Virtual Reality to Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in the Treatment of HIV: Open-Label Repeated Measure Study. Interact J Med Res. 2019;8(2):e13698. Published 2019 Jun 20. doi:10.2196/13698

Hightow-Weidman LB, Muessig KE, Bauermeister JA, LeGrand S, Fiellin LE. The future of digital games for HIV prevention and care. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2017;12(5):501‐507. doi:10.1097/COH.0000000000000399
数字游戏是解决艾滋病毒预防和护理工作的一个有前途的干预战略,尤其是在青年中。青年人不断地联系在一起,不断地上网;他们玩游戏,参与社交媒体,并与他人互动。数字游戏可以用来满足青少年 "在他们所处的地方",并利用他们喜欢使用的工具,可以以一种更加动态、沉浸式和参与式的方式进行教育和对接,促进积极健康行为的改变。

